Chicharo Hernandez-Top 10 Reasons Why He Is Better Than Rooney
Wayne Rooney has not done much to be a footballing icon. His actual skill with the ball has never been of the highest level. It's time for the charade to stop. Luckily for Manchester United fans Chicharo Hernandez is the hope that we've all been waiting for. At 22, he's Faster, hungrier, and is not prone to marriage scandals. And those reasons alone, despite his lack of experience, and having less championships to his name, Javier Hernandez is already better than Wayne Rooney, and more important to United.
Chicharo Hernandez-Top 10 Reasons Why He Is Better Than Rooney

Chicharo Hernandez-Top 10 Reasons Why He Is Better Than Rooney
Chicharo Hernandez-Top 10 Reasons Why He Is Better Than Rooney
Chicharo Hernandez-Top 10 Reasons Why He Is Better Than Rooney
10. Chicharo is a Bachelor
Hernandez is good-looking 22 (kind of resembles Kuno Becker's character from Goal, Santiago Munez). He's not dumb enough to get married just as he's becoming one of the most popular footballers in the world. In fact heis still in college taking online courses. It shows more character to intelligently remain with his long time girlfriend, Lety Sahagun. They've has a 2 year relationship which is pretty traditional. Far from the cheat repeatedly with prostitutes, and lie about it, habits of other superstar players ...
Even Cristiano Ronaldo has enough sense to stay a bachelor and paying off the girls he impregnates. Rooney's personal problems have unfortunately have a lot to do with his current decrease of level of play. And it's not the first time.
9. Chicharo Is More Humble
Chicharo Hernandez has been know through out the years for being one of the most humble players in Soccer. He still lives with his parents (they move to England with him, including hisgrandparents) he has online college classes and is a very well rounded individual. This stability at home with his family has undoubtedly has helped his career.
He has also stayed aways from drug and alcohol scandals (even though he was one of the players fined for having a Party where there were prostitutes allegedly involved with the Mexican national team). He seems like the type of player who is centered and his personality and humble nature will keep him from trouble and keep his head in the game ". Something Rooney has had a lot of problems with as of late
8. Marketability
Javier Hernandez is not only young and handsome, but he has a great personality and is very likable. Javier Hernandez at this point has more potential in marketing as Wayne Rooneydoes. Hernandez represents a sector of the world with little or no connection to English soccer, presenting a unique marketing opportunity to United's globalizing brand.
After Chicharito's signing with Manchester United, the official website received over 50.000 new members from Latin america and the united states. Chicharo Hernandez is one of those players that we love to see succeed and it represents a great opportunity for monetizing that success for Manchester united.
Rooney was marketable at one point, but his recent scandals and poor performances and making it harder and harder each day for him to have the marketability that Chicharito is capable of achieving at this point.
7. Love For The Game
Now, there is no real way of anyonequantifying how much someone loves something, but you can look at peoples body languages and attitudes towards something. And Chicharito's love for the game and the joy he gets from playing is obvious when you see him play. Chicharito plays with the same joy and happiness we all did as kids and it come through.
Rooney seems colder and doesn't seem to enjoy the beautiful game as much as Chicharito.
6. The World Cup Chicharo
Not having played a full match at the world cup Chicharo still managed to have a breakout performance scoring 2 goals. 1 against France and the second against Argentina. Rooney played about 4 times as much as Chicharito and had a less than average performance.
The world cup also showed us that Chicharito is capable of playingagainst the big teams in the world, in the biggest sTAGes in the world and not break with the pressure, it actually seems to making him better. Chicharo in the month prior to the World Cup and since the World Cup he has scored against these powerhouses Italy, France, Argentina, and Spain ... not to include smaller sides such as Bolivia, Gambia among others.
All the world cup did for Chicharo was to display his ability to score on tough games, and all it did for Rooney was to show us that he is not the player he once was ... or thought he was.
5. the Hunger to Succeed
Chicharo is one of the Hungriest players in soccer today. At this point he has nothing more than potential and great skill. But his hunger to succeed is what hasbrought him this far in such short amount of time. Unfortunately for Wayne Rooney he no longer has potential, and what is infinitely worse for a competitive athlete, it seems that Rooney has lost his hunger to succeed.
4. Dinero! (Money)
Everyone knows money is the fuel that drives most clubs ' decisions, making this the number one reason Hernández, not Rooney is United's future first striker.
Wayne Rooney is undoubtedly very marketable, but his own image has long since surpassed his footballing ability. In other words, it's a seller's market. After winning little with an incomplete and aging squad, United should be able to garner around £ 50 m for Rooney next offseason. Which is a lot more than he's worth. United could buy several younger,better players with that money as Chicharo assumes the forward-running striker role for many years.
Hernandez is quickly becoming a hero for Mexico, naturally ever wear the aged Cuauhtémoc Blanco and Rafael Marquez. Furthermore, his best years are ahead of him instead of behind him. Mexico is crazy about soccer, yet remains untapped by European clubs. It's a completely new marketplace of opportunity for United, and they know it.
Most casual United fans, even those that occasionally buy jerseys, will be interested in anyone who plays striker for United, as long as he's good enough. Hernandez is better than Rooney, in addition to having stronger character, being more consistent, better-mannered, and to be less hesitant star
Chicharo Hernandez is Manchester United'semerging star who, despite being worth less on the transfer market, is already better than Wayne Rooney, certainly on current form. Yet, Chicharo still can grow and get a lot better, instead of the Rooney who, after now looks like a 40-year-old drunken sailor, much like he appeared in the Nike commercial write the future.
3 .style
Wayne Rooney is a midfielder playing forward. His best attribute is being a train-like rather than a finesse tackler finisher. Rooney has a great long ball as well as a great driven passes through the middle. Unfortunately he plays in a position that requires him being the receiver, not the passer. He loves to drop deep and track back, two tendencies which are fine, but can be counter-productive to the larger picture when he'splaying as the lead forward.
As a more direct striker, Hernandez fits United's scheme better, compleMenting partner striker Dimitar Berbatov's creative style. The Bulgarian takes more joy in the final pass than scoring the goal itself. Chicharo suppleMents this perfectly, having the speed and inclination to be the first man darting into the box once his side opens up opposing defenses.
Rooney and Berbatov, though, often get their lines crossed, as both may abandon forward and drop deep; one out of frustration and impatience, the other from penchant and necessity. Hernandez is a more suitable to Berbatov's and quite simply plays more like a striker than a roaming Rooney.
2. Quality
Rooney has not met his goal-scoring expectations. His goal tallyaverages to 13 each season on one of the world's most dominant football clubs. Many resulted more from finishing a team-worked attack than creating through personal brilliance.
His current partner is wiry striker Berbatov, but shrugs off defenders easily because his body control and balance are both impeccable. Wayne usually fires himself like a freight train between or through defenders, using blunt-force trauma over agility, and can only rarely created by himself running at anyone.
Running is Hernandez's specialty. The Mexican was the Fastest player in the World Cup, according to FIFA. Their guns clocked him running at almost 20 MPH. That's one asset Rooney no longer shares and perhaps the single most important attribute of a through striker. Hernandez also shows a decent turnwith his back to goal and an ability to finish with both feet. He is taller than Rooney and jumps higher.
With speed, athleticism, ambidexterity, and prowess, he has raw natural ability upon which more skill will continue flourishing, besides being the more effective of the two players on current form.
1. Potential
Rooney having played eight full seasons in the EPL is a very old 25. The period when most of his improveMent would have occurred is over. Wayne hasnt added or changed his game for the better in several years. In fact, he's picked up some bad habits, losing the abandon and naivete that actually helped his earlier style.
Chicharo Hernandez-Top 10 Reasons Why He Is Better Than Rooney